UNFORTUNATELY, like so many others it would appear, I seem to have missed the consultation on the redevelopment of the Market Square.

In my mind, the redeveloped Market Square would appear as an oasis amidst a desert of broken and dangerous pavements, litter, graffiti and general scruffiness.

While this is a highly commendable effort to raise the profile of Salisbury with regard to its tourist industry, it is such a shame that the district council are unwilling to spend some of our money on improving facilities for its local residents.

Being able to walk to the Market Square without risk of breaking an ankle on the uneven flagstones would be a bonus.

Having additional and improved cycle paths to enable one to leave the car at home and travel to the Market Square by bike would be a bonus.

Improving the toilet facilities in the Market Square would be a bonus.

But wait a moment, why should all the above be a bonus when surely these are what Salisbury District Council's share of our council tax should be paying for as a matter of course. So, that begs the question - what exactly is our money spent on?

I generally find that it is best to make sure you can pay for all the necessities in your household before you can look to spend any excess on extravagances.

As a council tax payer I would be much more reassured that the district council's account showed that all the basics have been paid for before embarking on such a project.

I suggest that the council look at nourishing the roots of the tree before embarking on decorating it with baubles.

JOHN STURGEON, Lopscombe Corner