WE welcome the interest in our proposed Tesco food store, planned to be built on the partially derelict site of the former Gregory's Transport Depot and adjoining commercial land, in London Road, Amesbury.

We have consulted widely with residents - in particular those who live next to the site - and believe the plans will give the people of Amesbury what they want.

That is: a new modern food store close to Amesbury town centre which offers additional choice, value and convenience.

I was very concerned to read the letter by Mr Peter Horne entitled "Positioning of proposed Tesco store will clog up Amesbury's road system" (Postbag, January 24) about our proposals, because it gives the wrong impression of the new store and it is also factually incorrect.

Let me set the record straight: there are no sub-units' included in plans for the proposed new Tesco store in Amesbury.

There would be no post office, optician, pharmacy or dry cleaners as part of the store.

The proposed Tesco store's position close to the town centre would be likely to encourage shoppers to combine their main weekly food shop with a visit to other shops in Amesbury.

Tesco has also undertaken to fund a new circular bus service in the town. This would provide an off-peak service, six days a week for five years, linking the proposed new food store with the main residential and employment areas in the town.

Our plans for a new store would not only transform a local eyesore, but it would help create a more sustainable shopping pattern for Amesbury by reducing the need for people to make the 17-mile round trip to any of Salisbury's supermarkets.

We submitted revised plans to Salisbury District Council which have taken the feedback from residents and local councils into consideration.

The main changes we have made are improvements to transport by bus, bicycle and on foot.

They include a proposed new cycle and pedestrian route between the proposed Tesco store and Solstice Park, along London Road.

Also, we have listened to residents' views on delivery hours and, as a result, we have offered to restrict deliveries to the store to between the hours of 6am and 11pm.

We are continuing to talk to residents and the Local Planning Authority about the plans and we are confident that a new Tesco store on this site would be good for Amesbury.
MELANIE CHISWELL, Corporate affairs manager - Tesco