MY partner, Keith Alderton, was a patient at Salisbury District Hospital, on Downton Ward, for three months and finally left on February 28. He is now resident for rehabilitation in Fordingbridge Ford Ward.

We both felt we would like to tell readers of the wonderful nursing, professionalism, care and friendship he received on Downton Ward. All the staff in every capacity involved in the running of this very busy ward were outstanding, and we thank them all from the bottom of our hearts.

Our grateful thanks are extended, also, to the wonderful staff in the Ears, Nose and Throat Department.

We were previously unaware that surgeons telephoned families at home to give updates and/or explain procedure. Marcel Gyre, who carried out two major operations on Keith, rang me not once but three times. He also encouraged me to be present at his many consultations with Keith and patiently answered my numerous questions and soothed my anxieties. We are unable to thank him and his fantastic staff enough.

We read so much these days in the national press about the poor standard of NHS nursing and hospital care. We say a huge thank you to everyone concerned in the outstanding care of Keith and how lucky we are to have our National Health system.


ON February 28, on the pavement opposite the College of Matrons, I tripped and fell, managing to break my kneecap in the process. I was immediately surrounded by a crowd of people intent on helping me. I would like to thank them all for their kindness, but unfortunately know the names of only two (Tricia Durston and Wendy Hayden West). I hope that they all see this note.

Thanks are also due to the staff of Chilmark Ward at Salisbury District Hospital, and to everyone who has sent me a get well card. I shall be sending out individual replies, but this is going to take time.

KEITH BLAKE, Salisbury 

I have recently had an operation at the day surgery unit at Salisbury District Hospital and I cannot speak too highly of the efficiency, the care and treatment given by all the staff. We are so fortunate to have such a good facility on our doorstep.

Thank you to everyone at Salisbury District Hospital.