I WAS somewhat surprised at the vehemence expressed by John Glen and his supporters (Postbag, March 7) concerning my letter about his anti-gay marriage vote.

In fact they, and the approximately 1,010 constituents who wrote to Mr Glen, are all busy swimming against the tide of real public opinion here and in other democratic countries.

Mr Glen was not representing the majority. The gay marriage bill passed in the House of Commons by a massive majority of 400 to 225. And all recent opinion polls show support of as much as two to one, 62 per cent in favour in the most recent one – not exactly the ‘handful of equality fanatics’ Malcolm Read supposes support the measure.

Gay people make just as valid a contribution to our society as heterosexual people and it’s time, even in Salisbury, to remove the stigma of their relegation to second class citizenship.

People sometimes forget that even Mrs Thatcher, that staunch upholder of traditional Tory values, joined that first step to recognise gay rights by voting to legalise homosexuality as long ago as 1967.