What goes down our drains isn’t something we normally give a lot of thought to but putting down the wrong items can have a costly impact on our plumbing. 

A simple clog can be easy enough to fix but anything worse could lead to a huge plumbing bill and that’s before you consider all the hassle of ringing somebody to come out and help. 

Luckily, there is a handy list of commonly poured-away items you should avoid putting down the drain when cooking, making coffee and more.

The items you should avoid pouring down the drain to avoid a huge plumbing bill 

Salisbury Journal: Coffee grounds are a very common item disposed of down drains that cause blockages (Canva)Coffee grounds are a very common item disposed of down drains that cause blockages (Canva) (Image: Canva)

Here is a list of items provided by plumbing expert David Cruz over at MyJobQuote

Grease, oils and fats 

Grease, oils and fats are among the most common items discarded down UK drains with many making this mistake when preparing a large meal. 

However, David says that the grease, oils and fats act as a binder for other types of waste, creating sticky and thick glops that coat your drainpipe, preventing anything from passing through. 

The best thing you can do is to allow these fats to cool down and harden before tossing them in the bin. 

Coffee grounds

Many coffee drinkers are under the impression that coffee grounds are fine to throw down the drain as they are very small. 

However, they are not water-soluble and can, over time, build up in your pipes and cause a blockage.  

To avoid an expensive callout, you should dispose of these in a bin or, if you have a garden, use them to benefit your plants by composting them. 


Medications are extremely dangerous to dispose of down the drain as wastewater treatment plants cannot remove these from the water.

This allows them to enter the environment and even human drinking water, causing a number of serious issues. 

Flushable cat litter 

While many cat litter products are advertised as flushable, David states that this is far from the truth as these can still clog up drains and cause problems for your plumbing. 

Cat litter trays can also harbour a number of dangerous germs and bacteria which are resistant to the chemicals used to treat water. 

Salisbury Journal: Wastewater treatment plants cannot remove medications, making them dangerous to pour down your drain (Canva)Wastewater treatment plants cannot remove medications, making them dangerous to pour down your drain (Canva) (Image: Canva)

Paper towels and cotton balls 

Even though paper towels and cotton balls are biodegradable, these absorbent items don’t often dissolve immediately, clogging up drains. 


Around 20% of men flush their used condoms down the toilet in a move that is not only bad for the house’s plumbing but also for the environment. 

Condoms are made from rubber which is not biodegradable, meaning they will simply block pipes or make their way out into the ocean, harming marine life. 

Harsh chemicals 

Harsh chemicals such as car fluids and household cleaners can be very dangerous if put down drains as they can cause damage to pipework and make their way into the environment, causing untold harm. 

Produce stickers 

Most people wouldn’t put fruit or vegetable stickers down the drain knowingly but this often happens when people clean these items. 

Over time, these non-biodegradable stickers can block your pipes or combine with other drain waste. 

Feminine hygiene products 

Many women flush their sanitary products down toilets which can cause clogs as these items won’t dissolve in water.

This is despite many sanitary items being advertised as flushable.


The toxins present in paints can end up in the water supply if disposed of down the toilet or sink. 

The best way to get rid of paint is to follow the rules on the packaging. If you are still unsure, contact your local authority for the best way forward.