A controlled explosion has been carried out close to Westminster Abbey, police have confirmed.

The incident involving a suspicious vehicle happened around 4.30pm today leading to a number of cordons being put in place.

A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police said: “Police are at currently in the vicinity of Westminster Abbey dealing with an ongoing incident involving what is believed to be a suspicious vehicle.

“A number of road closures are in place while emergency services deal with the incident.”

The vehicle is reported to have been located in Broad Sanctuary, just off Parliament Square.

Salisbury Journal: Broad Sanctuary is located near to Parliament Square and Westminster Abbey. Picture: Google MapsBroad Sanctuary is located near to Parliament Square and Westminster Abbey. Picture: Google Maps

According to TFL, roads closed included a section of Bridge Street and Whitehall. Westminster and St James’s Park tube stations were also closed.

The police later issued an update, saying: “Two controlled explosions were carried out close to Westminster Abbey.

“The incident was stood down at about 5pm. Roads have reopened and the cordon has been lifted.”