A town councillor from Wilton has set up Salisbury's first women's interfaith network, inviting people of all religions - or none - to come together in a monthly gathering.

Alex Boyd, a mother of six who grew up in Germany, follows the religion of Judaism. She hasn't always been Jewish, and overcame many obstacles to be where she is today.

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When she discovered that Salisbury had no interfaith network of its own, she contacted Women's Interfaith network (WIN) - a national organisation that has been running since 2003.

Alex Boyd Alex Boyd (Image: Newsquest)

Alex said: "I would like to create a safe space where women can talk without any prejudice. I would love it to be a space where we talk about every day things like motherhood or cooking, but also things like what are our similarities and what are our differences. 

"It's a safe space and haven for women of all religions - or none - to learn from each other and together. I want to make women feel like they belong and like they've got some to has their back."

Meetings will be held monthly, with dates to be confirmed. For more information, visit the Facebook page.