SALISBURY is to have a new coroner’s court in the heart of the city.

The decision is good news for specialist staff who refused to move across the county.

Two years ago the then coroner, David Masters, warned that Wiltshire Council proposals to relocate the service to Devizes could lead to its collapse.

In a leaked letter which angered council bosses he declared: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Now they have had a change of heart after finding out about what has been called one of the city’s hidden treasures.

The courtroom and offices will be at 26-28 Endless Street, in a Grade II listed oak-panelled chamber which was used by the old rural district council and then by the district council’s housing department.

There were plans to sell off the buildings, but the committee heard that they could be adapted for about £50,000.

That would be cheaper the current system of using inadequate offices in Castle Street and holding jury inquests at Trowbridge Town Hall – which the council also wants to dispose of.

It would cost less than acquiring somewhere on the open market. And it would save having to recruit and train new staff.

Council leader Jane Scott said: “I know the previous coroner and the current one have always wanted to stay in the city, so this seems a reasonable way of doing it. I can’t wait to go and have a look at this hidden chamber. It will be good to get it back into use.”

Coroner David Ridley said he was “extremely pleased” with the decision.

The council still hopes to sell off the neighbouring property, 24 Endless Street, for housing.