VOLUNTEERS are helping recycle at Salisbury District Hospital.

Their first task was to organise and repair unwanted office furniture to promote its re-use to save the trust from buying new.

Unwanted items can include medical equipment and consumables that have become redundant as procedures change. These are forwarded to hospitals in Africa. Finally, items that are beyond repair are dismantled and any metals recovered for sale as scrap.

This operation has been so successful that the volunteers have been asked to take on the recycling of paper, cardboard, plastic and cans, but more help is needed.

“We could now do with recruiting around a dozen part-time volunteers,” said recycling volunteer leader Mark Brandon. “This is a fun project, we are doing something to help our local hospital - and save the planet.”

Anyone who is interested can contact Mark at brandywine@talktalk.net or call volunteer manager Jo Jarvis on 01722 4026.