BEAVER scouts have returned to the village of Alderholt in full force after a six-year absence.

Group leader Sheenagh Bradford pioneered the comeback and has been working tirelessly to bring the pack back to life.

Potential beavers took part in a six-week trial to decide whether they wanted to join the group full time, resulting in ten new beaver scouts being signed up.

Sheenagh said: “I am extremely happy to have scouting back in the village.

“It has been sorely missed and it is wonderful to once again be able to offer the wide range of experiences and opportunities that scouting can bring to children.”

The Alderholt colony had been forced to close six years ago after their premises were sold to a nursery school.

Following several meetings with the parish council to find a new meeting place, St James’ Church hall was finally offered – and turned out to be perfect for the beavers.

The opening night was marked by a ceremony in which each new beaver said their scout promise, received their maroon-and-gold scarf – the group colours – and their world membership badge.

The first-time beavers have a number of exciting trips coming up.

On July 10 the beaver scouts will spend the day on Brownsea Island just off Poole Harbour.

Famous for holding the first ever Boy Scout camp, the beavers will return to the scouting birthplace and attempt a challenging mini assault course and try their hand at orienteering.

The Alderholt group is already looking ahead to the future and hoping to expand the group with an investiture of cub scouts.

If you would like more information about Alderholt group, or any other groups in East Dorset, visit or call 0845 094 4721.