PLANS to demolish a house off Queen Alexandra Road, Salisbury, and build six homes in its place have raised a flurry of objections.

Wiltshire Council planners are being asked to approve two bungalows and a terrace of four houses on the site of no. 92A.

The bungalows would have access from Queen Alexandra Road, and the houses from Wellington Way.

But residents of Wellington Way have criticised the scale of the scheme as “excessive and unnecessary”.

One objector said: “It seems to be an exercise in trying to fill the site with as many dwellings as possible.”

Wellington Way is a cul-de-sac, and parking on the street is already an issue. People fear the impact of extra vehicles can only increase the road safety risk.

They also say the terrace, with concrete parking spaces but no front gardens, will be out of keeping with nearby semi-detached housing.

Salisbury City Council is objecting on the grounds of overdevelopment and has raised concerns about the adequacy of the access from Queen Alexandra Road.

Residents of Roberts Way have complained that their homes will be overlooked and they will lose privacy and daylight.

Objections have also been raised to tree felling in the garden and the loss of wildlife habitat, with barn owls having been seen there.

But architect John Coleman’s submission to the planners says the development will have “minimal” impact on the environment, each home will have adequate parking space and any overlooking of other properties is “within normally acceptable limits”.