A SCHEME to build four homes in the garden of a house in St Mark’s Avenue, Salisbury, has been recommended for approval.

Nearby residents say it amounts to over-development of the site and would be out of keeping with the character of the area.

There would be one five-bed and three three-bed houses in what is now the garden of no.78.

The larger home would face St Marks’ Road, using an existing driveway, while the smaller ones would be at the back of the site, with a new steeply sloping access drive which would be shared with no. 78.

But objectors say the access to the new homes would be too close to schools on what is already a busy road, and would mean the loss of on-street parking spaces.

They believe the density of the development would have a detrimental impact on other homes in the area, which are mainly large detached properties on generous plots.

The scheme will be considered by Wiltshire Council’s southern area planning committee on Thursday January 7.