A SALISBURY man had his head shaved for charity on Wednesday after his younger brother was diagnosed with a second brain tumour.

Huw Stapleton, 27, decided to take the plunge to help support his 25-year-old brother Rhys’ fundraising drive to raise money for the Samantha Dixon Brain Tumour Trust.

Rhys, who lives in Cardiff, was first diagnosed with a tumour in November 2006 and has lost the sight in his right eye.

He has now been told the tumour has returned on the other side of his brain, and he went into hospital for an operation on Monday.

Huw said: “He is one of the type of people who cares more about other people then himself, so he is trying to raise money for the charity that helps people like him.

“He had a lot of help from this particular charity first time around and has now set up fundraising in Cardiff.”

The head shave took place in the Wiltshire Council offices on Milford Street, where Huw works, and he hopes to raise about £250 in sponsorship.

To donate money, visit www.justgiving.com/rhys-stapleton.