WILTON Village could become a 'new and improved destination' if planning permission is approved.

A planning application has been submitted by Scarce Architects on behalf of Wilton Village Holdings Ltd to develop Wilton Village, keeping it as a shopping centre but changing its appearance.

Across the shopping centre, the applicant wants to create more places to sit, stop and enjoy the river, promote improvements to shop frontage add a welcome sign and define the entrance and direction into the shopping centre.

The proposed design for Wilton VillageThe proposed design for Wilton Village (Image: Wiltshire Council Planning) In the design statement, the applicant says that the central square is currently 'sparse and unnerving', but plans are to 're-engage and re-ignite' it.

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Unit one, the first building on approach from the car park, could see a wrap of new cladding around it to make it 'fresh and inviting' compared to its current 'dull brickwork'. The statement says that the old 1950s warehouse is 'tired' and 'does not give anything back to the spaces around it'. 

Designs include using numbers to define each unit, using 'modest tones in cladding and paintwork' which would 'provide a subtle backdrop' and add a mural to 'draw attention to [the] end of [the] space'. In the proposal, a mural has been designed by Samantha Redmill.

The applicant says that it hopes to give an 'injection of life to a site that has been quiet for too long'.

Wiltshire Council must decide on the plans by January 10. To view the plans in full, click here.