PLANS to build 47 new houses in a patch of empty land have been submitted.

A planning application has been submitted to build 47 houses on an area of empty land off Southampton Road.

Formula Land (Alderbury) Ltd has made the application as an outline proposal to build the dwellings, as well as associated public open space, landscaping and biodiversity enhancements and 116 car parking spaces.

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The proposed housing would be a combination of 28 market houses, nine social/affordable or intermediate rent, five affordable home ownerships and five starter homes.

The homes would be a mix of bungalows, semi-detached and detached houses, intending to cater for a range of buyers such as first-time buyers, families and those with reduced mobility.

The proposed development near to AlderburyThe proposed development near to Alderbury (Image: Wiltshire Council)

A single field separates the site from the A36, bounded by thick planting.

The applicants held two public consultations for the plans at Alderbury Village Hall in February this year. 

It said: "As part of the project's design evolution, suggestions and concerns received have been taken into consideration and implemented where possible."

Wiltshire Council must make a decision by February 4. To view the full application, click here.