The development in the central car park and coach park is due to be handed over to the council on Thursday. The less good news is that the river flow in the river bed next to the car park will need significant correction next year.

Initially planned to cost £12 million, the combined cost including the Ashley Road part of the project has so far cost £70 million. As the first justification was flood defence for 350 properties, that cost a ridiculous £200,000 per property!

Another justification was the natural environment. The removal of water voles to Romsey, destruction of their river bank habitat, and the loss of established trees and bushes make this justification highly debatable.

READ MORE: LETTER: 'Britford is becoming a suburb of Salisbury'

Thirdly we have the new coach park to look forward to. Instead of allowing dozens of coaches, we will only have space for six to load or unload at a time. Admittedly it will be more attractive to walk the first half of the way to the market or high street and upstream to the Avon boardwalk. But numerous eye sores and problems remain. 

Salisbury River Park ProjectSalisbury River Park Project (Image: Spencer Mulholland Photography)

Crucially the flood waters in the past year came within an inch of the bottom of the Avon Approach bridge down stream of the main works. Another day or two of heavy rain could have flooded a big area.

All in all, what an awful misuse of public money.

Michael Stroud 

Hamilton Road, Salisbury

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