A MARCH to petition for clean water took place in Ringwood recently.

Coinciding with a march in London, On November 3, marchers walked from Ringwood Gateway, through The Furlong, down West Street to Jubilee Park to look at the river, then back up the high street, as part of a petition to eradicate sewage spills and water pollution.

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Friends Ruth O'Neil & Lindsay Andrews organised the Ringwood march, representing Surfers Against Sewage, Greening Ringwood, New Forest Friends of the Earth, and 100 other organisations.

Lindsay said: "We did it to raise the profile and bring it to the government, just to tell them we’re sick to death about sewage spilling in rivers.

"I think everybody’s got to be aware and work together to make sure it doesn’t happen again. It struck a nerve with all of us, we’re all a bit fed up with it."

More than 50 people joined in chanting What do We Want? Clean Water! When do we want it? Now!

People travelled from the surrounding villages and beyond to take part in the march,

See the picture gallery from the day.

To sign the petition, email: greeningringwood@gmail.com