As works on Fisherton Street are ‘nearing completion’, a problem is looming quite literally over the heads of passers by.

Under Fisherton Street Railway Bridge, several dead pigeons have become trapped and died under the metal netting that was initially fixed to the bridge to prevent birds from nesting there in the first place.

The netting has appeared to have broken following various incidents of lorries becoming stuck under the bridge, as reported on by the Journal.

Emilio ‘Pedro’ Di Pietro, 65, has lived in Salisbury for his whole life, and as a resident of Devizes Road, he walks under the bridge frequently to visit the city centre.

After speaking to a workman on the scene who explained that the pigeons, who were alive at the time, would be 'culled', Pedro is concerned that they have been left to rot away.

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Pedro said: “They’ve left the carcasses up there, and pretty soon they’re going to decompose and bits of them are going to start dropping off.

“Alright, it will be a chance in a million that it will hit somebody, but it's vile and it’s a health risk. I spoke to Defra this morning and they agreed that it’s a health risk but said ‘not my problem’ kind of thing.

“I’ve been passed from pillar to post. I’ve spoken to the Council - they don’t want to know, they’ve said it’s a Network Rail problem. I spoke to Salisbury [City] Council - to a very helpful chap - he’s going to try and move something along.”

'It's really not good enough', says Pedro'It's really not good enough', says Pedro (Image: Newsquest)

Pedro thinks that better signage to warn lorry drivers of the height restriction would help in avoiding damage to the netting in the first place.

“Everybody living on this side of the city – Wilton Road, Devizes Road - likes to walk because it’s more environmentally friendly, but they have to walk under here. It’s really not good enough.

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“There’s millions of pounds being spent on Fisherton Street which is fine, it looks great, and tourists will think ‘oh what a nice place’ - assuming they turn right when they get off the train. If they turn left, they’re faced with this.”

£3.2million has been spent on redeveloping Fisherton Street, which leads the road from the railway station into the city centre, and works have included the resurfacing of the pavements under the bridge.

Pedro added: “This pavement is going to get worse, it’s only just been laid in the past few days and it’s already getting covered in feathers and excrements.

“Somebody needs to do something, this is drastic.”

Wiltshire Council, Salisbury City Council and Network Rail have been contacted for comment.