A registered sex offender has been sent to prison for one year for breaching a court order three times.

Jake Wilson, 24, had been handed a Sexual Harm Prevention order in October 2023 after being convicted of sexual communication with a child.

He was told not to use a phone or online social media but he breached this order three times, in January, in February, and then on September 4 2024, each time by obtaining a mobile phone with access to the internet and setting up accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

Sentencing, Judge Paul Dugdale said: "You did exactly what you were told not to do. This court has now run out of road, we have been lenient and taken your difficulties into consideration but the court has a duty to protect children and we tried to do this with the original SPHO and now we will do it by sending you to prison."

The court heard Mr Wilson has learning difficulties and has attended appointments with a learning difficulty team. 

Wilson, of Aylwards Way, Nether Wallop, will serve a 12 month sentence due to the persistent breaches and he must go on the Sex Offenders Register for the next ten years.

Wilson who appeared in a red t-shirt, nodded and listened as Judge Dugdale passed sentence.