AN audience played detective in a murder mystery evening in Dinton.

On Saturday, September 28, Dinton Village Hall saw 104 people take part in a murder mystery evening, watching for clues and examining evidence to catch a murderer.

Dinton Phoenix Theatre Company held the evening as its first event, titled 'Dying for a Leek' by Ian McCutcheon.

The community event was free entry, with donations accepted, with tables of eight bringing their own food and drinks to enjoy while taking part.

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The stage and hall was artistically dressed for a gardening club committee meeting , with act 1 setting the scene and the crime. Act 2 brought an inevitable police interrogation.

Two of four written clues were distributed after each act to further help the audience. As a surprise bonus, the detectives were able to quiz the suspects as they came from the stage to walk among them.

A spokesperson said: "The production was spot-on and the cast were superb, drawing gasps, laughs and groans from the audience. Especially commendable as this is the DPTC’s debut event.

"Was the crime solved? Not by every table. However, four tables out of 14 did submit the correct evidence and identified the murderer. A winning evening all round."

For more information about Dinton Phoenix Theatre Company, email director John Curley at