A 'life changing' alternative provision offering education and support for children who struggle with school has officially opened.

River Bourne Edge, founded by Maxine Fox, 54, and Karen Wright, 64, is an alternative for children who struggle with mainstream school, whether that be due to mental health, medical reasons, behaviour or special educational needs.

Set up in May, an official opening ceremony marked its establishment on Thursday, September 26, where 16 children currently attend.

Maxine worked at Sarum Academy for seven years before deciding that River Bourne Edge was something she and Karen wanted to do, as they felt that they weren’t able to help children with additional needs in mainstream schools like they had done before Covid.

“We’ve both said, you go home now with a win under your belt,” Maxine said, “it might just be that someone who doesn’t talk answered a question in a quiz, but you’re going home with that sense of achievement – you don’t get that in schools anymore.”

Staff at River Bourne Edge pictured: (left to right) Adam Wythes, Eli Noble, Maxine Fox, Karen Wright, Mel McDanielStaff at River Bourne Edge pictured: (left to right) Adam Wythes, Eli Noble, Maxine Fox, Karen Wright, Mel McDaniel (Image: Newsquest)The provision works in two sessions, a morning session and an afternoon session. Children who come in in the morning are offered both personal development and maths and English learning. Afternoon sessions concentrate on helping with emotional and social development.  

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One child, who hadn’t attended school for a number of years has thrived at the provision.

Her parent said: “I cannot put into words the effect this provision has had on my daughter. This AP (alternative provision) has been life changing for her and me.

“Even on a day she was struggling, she still went, she wanted to. And that was quite frankly mind blowing for me. The staff have made her feel so secure and safe that she trusted in them that she would be ok.

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“She just cannot cope with school, in that classic environment with the expectation to be someone she just isn’t. Here, she is unapologetically herself.

“If there were more places with more staff like this, the world would be a much better place.”

Children decorate the provision themselvesChildren decorate the provision themselves (Image: Newsquest)

The site is made up of a few portable cabins on River Bourne Community Farm, decorated by the children, and in close proximity to the farm animals which they can visit as they wish.

Children must be referred by their school if they wish to attend River Bourne Edge instead of their mainstream school. For many children, the intention is to get them to a position where they can return to school after around 12 weeks. For others, they may stay for a much longer period.

To learn more, contact the team on: info@theriverbourneedge.com or call 07917823685