There are plans to build a new youth centre in Salisbury.

The Journal has seen an application to build a new youth centre in Bemerton Heath, in the north-west of the city.

The plans proposals states it is for the "Erection of new two storey youth hub facility (Use Class F2(b)), ancillary cafe, office, creative hub, multiuse space, access, parking, landscaping and associated works."

The proposed youth centre would be built on this disused car park (Image: Google) The application was sent by Robin Imeson, of Rise:61: a charity which focusses on tackling issues affection youth in Bemerton, such as lack of opportunity and bad mental health.

Robin told the Journal, said: "We've been dreaming of creating a safe space for young people on Bemerton Heath ever since we started getting to know them as volunteer youth workers in 2009."

"This planning application is an important step in the journey towards fulfilling that dream and we believe this building will have a transformative effect on our ability to help and support young people and our young leaders group were involved in every step of the process towards getting this application submitted." 

He added: "We believe the whole community is behind it too and want to thank our neighbours for their support."

Rise:61 want to use the youth centre to help the youth in Bemerton Heath(Image: Google) Jenny Bolwell, Councillor for Fisherton and Bemerton Village, said: "Anything that engages the local youth is a bonus to the community and wider if interest expands across Salisbury.

"The land is near the compound and community garden and would give chance for the local youth to engage with the youth workers at Rise:61 in a positive way."

For more information on the plans, please click here to see the application on Wiltshire Council's planning portal.