A woman is walking 100 one mile walks for charity to celebrate her 100th birthday.

Phyll Babb, 99, is celebrating her 100th year by doing 100 walks, each of one mile, to raise money for Salisbury Trust for the Homeless.

 John Glen MP, the mayor of Salisbury councillor Sven Hocking, former mayor John Walsh, and the Reverend Canon Edward Probert, chancellor of Salisbury Cathedral, are among those who have joined Phyll on her walks.

Phyll Babb with Salisbury MP John Glen.Phyll Babb with Salisbury MP John Glen. (Image: STFH)

Phyll, who lives in Salisbury, is walking from her home and around Cathedral Close and back again using a rollator aid of the type made famous by Captain Sir Tom Moore. All the money that she raises will go to Salisbury Trust for the Homeless (STFH), which helps local homeless people get their lives back on track.

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She is currently ahead of schedule to complete the 100 walks by the time of her 100th birthday on July 13, 2025 and is doing the circuit more quickly now than she was at the start of her fundraising campaign.

John Glen said: “It was a privilege to reconnect with Phyll and be one of the many people accompanying her on her walks in support of a marvellous Salisbury cause, one which she has been associated with for so many years of her long life dedicated to serving the community she loves.

"I was glad to have an umbrella to ward off the rain and I was impressed with both Phyll’s speed and indefatigability!”

Phyll and councillor Sven Hocking, mayor of Salisbury.Phyll and councillor Sven Hocking, mayor of Salisbury. (Image: STFH)

Councillor Sven Hocking said: “It was an absolute delight to meet Phyll and accompany her on one of her walks around the Cathedral to raise money for the Salisbury Trust for the Homeless. 

"Phyll's mission is to complete her 100th walk before her 100th birthday in July next year and from what I saw today, she will do this at a canter.  If anybody would like to walk with her I know she would be very grateful of the company, and she has some stories to tell.

"I wish her every success."

Others who have stepped out with Phyll, include John Walsh, who was mayor of Salisbury for two years and the Reverend Canon Edward Probert. 

Phyll sharing a joke with former mayor John WalshPhyll sharing a joke with former mayor John Walsh (Image: STFH)

More walking companions for Phyll are being sought and volunteers should contact STFH chair Maureen Pardy on mpardy@hotmail.co.uk

Gordon Pardy, head of fundraising for STFH, said: “We don’t want Phyll to be walking alone, although she is perfectly capable of managing the circuit without any help. But it is more fun for her if she has someone to chat to as she makes her way round.”