A vape shop that has been closed after selling a vape to a minor has been burgled.

At 10.14pm on September 7, two men, dressed in black with gloves and masks on, are believed to have forced their way into Red Power on Minister Street.

Around £7,000 of stock was stolen, and it is believed they left in the direction of The Cheese Market or Poultry Cross.

A second incident was reported at the same business over a week later at 12.34am on September 16.

A man wearing a green coat, black balaclava and black tracksuit bottoms carrying a blue bag threw a tile at a glass pane but did not get inside the property.

The shop has been closed since August after Salisbury Magistrates' Court upheld allegations of "criminal activity" brought forward by Wiltshire Council on Monday, August 12.

Police ask that if you have any information, call 101 quoting reference number 54240106194.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.