A PIG in the New Forest was hit by a car within the New Forest a day after the beginning of pannage.

The pig was discovered dead by its owners dead after being hit by a vehicle near Parsonage Farm in Bramshaw on the B3079 between 12-1pm on September 17,

Animals road safety campaigner, Gilly Jones, shared disappointment that the incident has occurred so quickly after pannage, a time of year where pigs are released to free roam in the New Forest, began.

She said: "The thing that gets me is that it was broad daylight, it's not a busy road.

"I spoke to the manager of a local business who was genuinely nearly in tears yesterday when I said one of the piglets had died. The locals are also invested in it and they watch these little things go out.

"I saw them when they went out and I've been watching them grow and then just to know that we're down another another is just so disappointing."

Gilly shared that the owners of the pig have plans to release more piglets this pannage but have expressed concerns that more will be killed if they do.

So far this year 41 animals have been killed in the New Forest with Roger Penny Way a particular hotspot.

Gilly said: "On Monday we had a cow hit on Roger Penny Way in an area we call the black gutter. Then on Wednesday, we had a pony hit and killed.

"We are now looking for these hit-and-run drivers and we're having far too many of them again.

"People use no mobile signal as an excuse which it really shouldn't be because if you lift your car home with no headlights, you can stop and get some help."

Wanting to send out a strong message to residents and visitors to the New Forest Gilly stated that if anyone sees or is involved with an incident, they should report it as soon as possible.