A Salisbury Samaritan in training has raised thousands for the charity ahead of a huge challenge.

On September 29, Sarah Junor will run the Berlin marathon to raise funds for the Salisbury Samaritans. So far, she has surpassed her target of £4,000 and continues to fundraise.

Sarah has been training to become a listener for the charity since January, and hopes 'gain her wings' in the role this month.

READ MORE: Salisbury Samaritans looking for more volunteers in 'rewarding' roles

Samaritans are a charity offering 24/7, free listening support for people who are emotionally distressed. 

Sarah has already raised over £4,000Sarah has already raised over £4,000 (Image: Samaritans)

On her fundraising page, Sarah says: " I am humbled by the calls we receive, the support Samaritans offers to people who might have no one else to share their problems with makes the service an invaluable one. 

"Fundraising is a huge part of being a Samaritan, to enable our doors to stay open and shifts to happen. We all want to do our bit!! That is why I decided to use this as an opportunity to do my bit!"

It's been three years since she last ran a marathon, and she is keen to complete another.

She added: "Every bit helps, any amount adds up! Knowing I'm raising money to support my Samaritans branch will motivate me to get to the finish."

To donate, click here.