Richard Mogg seems to think that those opposed to the A303 Stonehenge tunnel and looking for ways to reduce road traffic instead are in “cloud cuckoo land” (Postbag, September 12) .  

This despite all the evidence that our current life styles are depleting this planet’s resources and we are already suffering the consequences in terms of climate change and biodiversity loss.  

A host of eminent people from ex US Vice President Al Gore to the Pope and UN Secretary General António Guterres to Sir David Attenborough have been trying to get the message across for decades, but they face reluctance at all levels to hear, and take action on, such an inconvenient truth.  

The UK Government has recognised the reality of the situation by setting up the Climate Change Committee to provide advice on steps which are needed.  

This body, having examined all the evidence, advises that car use has to be curtailed if we are to meet legally binding emission reduction targets.  

I think it is those who have not yet realised that life-style changes are necessary to protect the wellbeing of this planet who are in cloud cuckoo land, not those who are facing reality and looking for solutions.

Margaret Willmot


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