PRIMARY school children have the opportunity to be a Salisbury Cathedral chorister for the day next month.

On Saturday, October 12, Salisbury Cathedral returns with 'Be a Chorister for a Day', where children in Years 2, 3 and 4 are invited to join the choristers at Salisbury Cathedral.

The event will begin at Salisbury Cathedral School where children will meet the current choristers and participate in a singing session led by David Halls, the Cathedral’s director of music. 

This year children will also record a Christmas carol alongside the current Choristers, which they can share with friends and family as a ‘singing’ Christmas card in December.

READ MORE: Tickets launched for Salisbury’s Celebrate Voice Festival

Parents and guardians will also be able to learn in more detail what being a chorister parents entails by watching a short film about the choir, followed by a Q & A session, and children will learn more about joining the choir.

David said: “Be a Chorister for a Day is always a joyous occasion. We are looking for children who love to sing and are curious about what being a Chorister is like.

'It's always a joyous occasion''It's always a joyous occasion' (Image: Corin Messer)

"We particularly want to reach families who are not aware of the opportunities and benefits being a Chorister at Salisbury Cathedral offers.

"All you need is an enjoyment of singing and a team player attitude.”

To register for the free event and begin your child’s musical journey, fill in the application form on For more information, email: