I am a widow living on a pension just above the cut off point for pension credit. I inherited a very small pension from my late husband who worked all his life. 

I had to give up work in April due to being diagnosed with cancer as I couldn’t cope with the stress. I’m 71. 

I needed the extra money so that I could afford to pay for a holiday and motoring costs. How am I supposed to find an extra £500+ a year CT, together with the extra cost of heating not to mention the other price increases in food etc.

A married couple or those with a partner can share the heating costs and council tax etc so how can they justify doing this to single occupants? 

I really don’t know how I am going to manage as I have cut down as much as I can by cancelling my TV licence to help pay towards my heating bill, but I can’t cut down anymore to find the extra for CT.

This extra worry is affecting my health. I wish I could claim pension credit as I would be much better off as I could claim money towards heating and CT  etc.

It seems that this government is against those that have worked and contributed to this country to give to those that haven’t paid a penny into the system. 

My late husband and I struggled to buy a house - we didn’t have   foreign holidays or expensive cars but we wanted to own our home. With hindsight I wish we had not bothered. 

Labour is not for the working man that is for sure!  They should stop the £10 Christmas bonus that would save them a bit more money as it’s certainly not something to look forward to or if any use!

I don’t know what I am going to do.

Mrs J Palmer

Address applied

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