Let’s stop talking about the Tunnel.  Sir Kier Starmer has cancelled the project, which was probably the right decision.

However, he must now address the traffic flow issues that remain.  Specifically, the high volume of traffic passing through Winterbourne Stoke and the ‘rat-running’ through Shrewton and surrounding villages. 

I’ve lived in Winterbourne Stoke for over 80 years. During this period two village children have been knocked over and killed on the A303.

For many years the village has campaigned for a stand-alone by-pass, but the National Highways Authority have always insisted that this should form part of the A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down Road Improvement Scheme.  

As for Shrewton. I’m convinced these problems were caused by the local authority who closed the A344 despite professional advice from their own officers and warnings from a Department of Transport Minister in December 2007.

To resolve the situation, Sir Kier Starmer should consider the following approach: Forget the A303 between Longbarrow and Countess Road for the time being.

Completely remove the existing Longbarrow Roundabout. Replace this with the A360 road going underneath (or over) the existing A303, linking into a Winterbourne Stoke by-pass as detailed in the 2004 Plan. 

This would comprise a standard road lay out with proper junctions. 

Most of the work could be completed quickly and cost effectively with little impact on the World Heritage site.

Unfortunately, there is no gain without pain. There would be some disruption, but on completion, this would provide genuine long-term improvements to the way of life for local people who have been neglected for so long.

At the same time Wiltshire Council should change the junction at Rollestone Crossroads into a new roundabout.

This would encourage traffic to join the A303, rather than proceed along Shrewton High Street.

As a footnote, I’d like to request that Highways England tidy up our village. 

Please clean and sweep our pavements and lay-bys, clear all vegetation from the footways and replace the rotten fence on the eastern end of the village.  Last but not least - Turn the speed camera back on.

Ian West 

Former Wiltshire Councillor