A LUDGERSHALL songwriter has received international acclaim for his album which tells stories of events that he has encountered through the course of his life.

Alan Garmonsway picked up the Silver Award for the Best International Album of the Year at the recent International Singer Songwriter Association Awards in Atlanta.  

Alan attracted voters and judges alike from all over the world with his album Stories in Time.

He was joined on a number of tracks by his wife Sue, offering a different dimension to the vocals, particularly on choruses. The songs themselves cover a range of themes like travelling the US, global warming, reminiscing, current politics and local folklore.

Alan Garmonsway picked up the Silver Award for the Best International Album of Year  Alan Garmonsway picked up the Silver Award for the Best International Album of Year   (Image: Supplied)

Alan said: “Obviously I am absolutely delighted, not just for the album to be in the top three internationally, but for it to have been thought so by professional judges, listeners and fellow musicians. Because I work a lot on my own - writing, recording, playing various instruments, singing, mixing and producing, it’s really encouraging to get such positive feedback from all around the World. This is the first time I’ve entered such a large song competition – my next album is coming along nicely for next year’s awards.”

He continued: “Although music wasn’t my first career, I’ve written and performed in bands most of my life. Now I have more time to write and record, I’m pulling different aspects of songwriting and recording styles together to try and create my own unique sound."

ISSA’s citation on his achievement read: “Among an association of over 25,000 members worldwide, with thousands of submissions, these remarkable finalists have distinguished themselves through their talent, dedication, and hard work. They have not only advanced through the highly competitive selection process but also triumphed, earning their place among the top three in their respective categories at the prestigious 2024 ISSA Awards.

“Their achievements stand as a testament to their excellence and the recognition they have garnered from their peers and industry professionals alike. Congratulations to you all.”

Alan has also achieved 11 ‘Top Ten’ listings over the past three years with another prestigious organisation, World Songwriting Awards. His songs have also featured on many radio stations including BBC Introducing.

You can find the album on main streaming and download sites like Spotify, Amazon Music etc, along with all Alan’s other songs.