Wilton Rotary Club’s annual car boot sale at Wilton Park on August Bank Holiday Monday saw record numbers of attendees and added a welcome boost for local charity as well as the local economy.

Club President Andy Rhind-Tutt, said: “The idea of an annual Car Boot Market started 41 years ago in 1983, when founder members of our young club thought it would be a nice way to raise a few pounds.

"It took a handful of volunteers to organise and was a huge success, raising £709 for local charities.

"By 2006 the car boot sale had outgrown the racecourse and needed a new home. Lord Pembroke offered the use of his grounds from Netherhampton corner and apart from a two year break in 2020 and 2021 the event has been run there ever since.”

Wilton Rotary Club, is made up of local business people and many friends who dedicate their spare time to lending a hand where needed and have supported the local community for more than 45 years.

On Monday night the club invited its friends to a special thank you dinner.

Mayoress and Mayor of Wilton, Yvonne and Alan Crossley, Guest Speaker Mike Wilds, Salisbury Rotary President Peter Mitchell and Wilton Rotary President Andy Rhind-Tutt Mayoress and Mayor of Wilton, Yvonne and Alan Crossley, Guest Speaker Mike Wilds, Salisbury Rotary President Peter Mitchell and Wilton Rotary President Andy Rhind-Tutt (Image: Spencer Mulholland)

Before eating, Andy informed all present that the 2024 car boot sale definitely justified being called Mammoth as this one was the biggest ever, with sellers and buyers travelling for miles, and many staying locally to attend.

The event took 40 volunteers to organise and manage, with business partners such as MJ Abbott, Wilton House, Grist Environmental and Rob Beale donated valuable time and goods to keep costs as low as possible.

The net results which are still to be audited, are likely to add more than £24,000 to the clubs Trust Fund, all of which will be given to local needs, including the Stars Appeal.

Andy added: “We always warn people that the event will make the roads very busy for a few hours, but this year it didn’t seem to distract anyone.

"It wasn’t just a boost to local charities that the car boot sale enabled, it was also a boost to eating, drinking and tourism in and around Salisbury that also happened on the day. For this I wish to thank everyone who took part.”

As a treat to guests the club arranged an inspirational talk by motor racing driver Mike Wilds, who after 59 years motor racing, captivated the guests with his lifetime dedication to the sport and his story, which he has recently published in an award winning book.

Former motor racing driver Mike WildsFormer motor racing driver Mike Wilds (Image: Spencer Mulholland)

The next event being planned by Wilton Rotary Club is the Rotary Fireworks which this year will be on Sunday, November 3 at the Stones Hotel, High Post.

Transport will be provided by Salisbury Reds from Beehive Park and Ride and Amesbury and details will be published soon.