A depraved paedophile used a secret device on his shoe to film up the skirts of women and children in a supermarket. 

Tristan Clamp filmed hundreds of victims over the course of a year using a camera fitted to his shoe.

Police uncovered hundreds of 'upskirt' photos after seizing the 33-year-old's devices in a raid on his home in April 2023.

The footage shows victims, estimated to be as young as seven, seemingly unaware of what is happening, with Clamp's face also visible at times. 

The secret filming was just one offence committed as part of a campaign of paedophilia that spanned years, Southampton Crown Court was told on Monday.

Also found at his home was a 'paedophile manual', more than 37,000 indecent images of children and a 'camera recording pen', which he secretly used to film a child in a bathroom. 

Police seized two mobile phones which contained the footage as well as a video of him performing a sexual act on himself.

Prosecutor, Martyn Booth said officers became suspicious when his IP address was linked to the downloading of indecent images of children. 

Of the images that were examined, there were 9,594 Category A images - the most severe kind - as well as 6,234 Category B and 22,034 Category C. 

Clamp, of Northfield Road, Ringwood, initially denied the offences when arrested and interviewed but admitted them in subsequent interviews. 

He also denied having a sexual interest in children, putting his actions down to "curiosity", but later accepted this as well. 

Clamp, who worked in the family business and was involved in scouting, pleaded guilty to the offences at a plea and trial preparation hearing in June 2024. 

Tristan ClampTristan Clamp (Image: Hampshire Constabulary)

He admitted possessing a paedophile manual, possessing prohibited images, taking indecent images, sexual assault, three counts of making indecent images, and two counts of voyeurism.

The offences took place between 2010 and 2021 with the supermarket footage having been taken between July 2018 and July 2019. 

Sentencing him on Monday, Judge Gary Burrell KC said Clamp has an "interest in prepubescent girls", branding him a danger of future offending due to the "depravity" of his actions. 

He added that the upskirting was "obviously thought out and planned".

The judge said he had "grave doubts" over the genuineness of Clamp's remorse, adding that a letter he wrote to the court "smacks of self-pity and regret". 

In a statement read out in court, one of his victims described him as "a monster", adding that she can't sleep or eat properly and is now on medication as a result. 

She said: "I don’t believe that you are sorry or remorseful. I believe that you say sorry now because it is self-serving."

Clamp was sentenced to four and a half years in custody with an extended licence period of three years. 

He was also given a sexual harm prevention order and a restraining order until further order. 

An order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of the seized items. 

His barrister, Berenice Mulvanny said her client "wishes to apologise" and that he is "clearly motivated to decrease his risk of reoffending". 

She added: "Nothing could ever truly express the remorse that he was saying he feels and the damage and pain he has caused.

"He says that what he did was unforgivable and inexcusable. He will always feel the pain for what he has done.

"It is a relief for him that he is finally going to know his fate today."