Residents from a care home in Ringwood enjoyed a day spent with horses and afternoon tea in their most recent day trip.

Moors Manor care home in St Leonards took residents to Wilton to visit Riding for the Disabled.

Residents were able to see the horses in person, and had a chance to be very close to the horses and give them a little bit of love.

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A lovely activity for the residents (Image: Barchester Moors Manor)

General manager of Moors Manor Care Home Gemma Chalkley said: “Our residents have really enjoyed their day out at the riding school. Trips out in the homes mini bus are a regular event for the residents, and we always ask for ideas on where they would best like to go.

"The day was a lot of fun, residents were able to pet the horses on the day which was quite therapeutic, and we had great weather for the outing.”

The afternoon was spent at the riding club, grooming and walking ponies while the staff shared stories about each pony. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed an afternoon tea prepared by the volunteers and then sang songs on the way home in the minibus.