THIS Monday saw the start of this year’s ‘Salisbury History Festival’ and the attendees at the Old Ale House were treated to a series of events with the theme of alcohol.

Simon Jackson started the proceeding with a presentation charting the ‘History of Beer’.

All aspects of the brewing industry were included and also included beer tasting which was greatly appreciated by those present!

This was followed by a guided walk by Timezone Tours charting a selection of ‘The Lost Pubs of Salisbury.’

It soon became very apparent that Salisbury has lost a considerable number of pubs over the years including five in the High Street alone.

The famous George Inn which had its ground floor demolished to make way for the entrance to the Old George Mall in the late 1960s, and the Crown Hotel, once a Mecca for travellers to Salisbury in the 1930, are sadly no more.

Heading towards St. Thomas’ Square we lamented the loss of ‘The Shoulder of Mutton’, The Vine’, and the Maidenhead Inn.

Other lost pubs mentioned included, ‘The Chough’, ‘Blue Boar Inn’, ‘Saracens Head’, ‘The Plume of Feathers’, ‘The Wheatsheaf’ and ‘The Roebuck’.

For this event, Salisbury History Festival came together with Fisherton History Society, the Artisan Wine Shop and the Old Ale House with the general consensus being, “When are we doing it again!”

All events are now sold out but for more information go to