A CITY church will come alive with a night of music to raise money for a charity changing the lives of young people.

Polly Jacobs is organising 'A Night of Music 3' for her son Cameron who was taken on by The National Orchestra For All (NOFA) six years years ago to play the trumpet.

The charity breaks down the barriers of entry to orchestra and improves access to music-making for young people, such as Cameron, aged 11-19.

St Thomas' Church is hosting the event which starts at 6pm on September 14.

Read more: ​Cameron and Polly Jacobs take on 75km charity run

Among the performers are nine heads of music and music teachers from the Salisbury Area, four youngsters currently studying at the Royal College of Music junior department and six youngsters playing in national level youth orchestras.

Cameron Jacobs has been with the National Orchestra for All for six years.Cameron Jacobs has been with the National Orchestra for All for six years. (Image: Dr Polly Jacobs)

The concert will feature everything from classical to jazz to pop with orchestras, bands and ensembles made up of children and adults performing together throughout.

Dr Jacobs said: "There will also be some fantastic soloists.

"We hope to play to a packed church again with an audience of all ages."

Entry to 'A Night of Music 3' is free and but it will have a retiring collection raising money for the NOFA and the continued restoration of St Thomas' Church.

The last two concerts in 2020 and 2022 raised over £8k.