The earnings being made by Wiltshire MPs in addition to their Members of Parliament’s salaries has been revealed.

Included on the list are the new and returning Wiltshire MPs who were successful in their constituencies on July 4.

It shows that Chippenham’s new representative, Lib Dem MP Sarah Gibson, has retained her role as Wiltshire councillor, which earns her £1,322.42 per month.  

The register of interests is publicly available.The register of interests is publicly available. (Image: Getty)

It also details what is described as a “final payment” of £2,940.10 from the University of Bath for lecturing services.

In Melksham and Devizes, new Lib Dem MP Brian Mathew has also revealed an approximate earning of £1,322.42 a month for being a Wiltshire councillor.

Over in East Wiltshire, Conservative MP Danny Kruger has listed two properties within his portfolio “with a value over £100,000”.

He has also indicated he is the trustee of the charity Only Connect, as well as the unpaid director of a social policy research company and the New Conservatives political group.

Down in South West Wiltshire, long-term Conservative MP Andrew Murrison has included his earnings for the role of Surgeon Commander for the Royal Naval Reserve.

The number of hours and the income he receives varies month to month, with the latest payment detailed as £1,053.78.

The register of interest indicates that Mr Murrison is an unpaid trustee of the UK Reserve Forces Association.

Two properties are also included within his portfolio “with a value over £100,000”.

In addition to earnings, MPs were required to list gifts and donations given in support of their work.

Ms Gibson revealed £2,000 donations from both Solutions Property Finder Limited and The Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust, as well as a total of £15,498 in donations from private individuals.

It is also noted that she has over 15 per cent of issued share capital from architectural practice Labox Ltd.

Mr Mathew received £10,000 from private individuals and £2,000 from Opal Chant Limited for his campaign.

Mr Murrison listed £2,000 from Lord Michael Hintze for his general election fighting fund.

The register of interests also notes that his spouse is employed part-time as a caseworker and paid from parliamentary expenses.

The local MP having received the most in donations is Lib Dem Roz Savage up in the South Cotswolds, with a total of £44,816 from private individuals.

Conservative MP John Glen down in Salisbury has three companies listed in the section “other shareholdings, valued at more than £70,000”: Endava Ltd, Softiron, and Blue International Group.