MEET this "lovely little fella" who has taken the spotlight as Dogs Trust's dog of the month.

PJ is a "very intelligent" 10-week-old Jagd Terrier who adores being active.

The young chap is currently living in Salisbury but looking for a forever home with experienced owners who could cater for his active lifestyle.

PJ has a high chase drive so he would need to be the only pet in the home but he can live with teenage children over the age of 14.

He loves to play with other dogs but hasn't learnt some key skills around them yet.

Bearing this in mind, PJ would need friends out and about that he can build up his skills with.

Could you give PJ a forever home?Could you give PJ a forever home? (Image: Dogs Trust)

As he is such a young puppy, PJ will not be able to go for long runs at this stage and will therefore need low impact outlets for his exercise and mental stimulation needs.

PJ is very intelligent and he thrives on training and enrichment games.

A spokesperson for Salisbury Dogs Trust said: "PJ is a very sweet fella and once given a job to do is very keen to succeed.

"If you have an active lifestyle and willing to put in a lot of time for ongoing training and provide him with the physical and mental stimulation then PJ could be prefect for you.

"Please be aware we are looking for a very specific home for PJ in order for his needs to be met."

To apply to home PJ visit