Residents in Longhedge are becoming increasingly frustrated as works on the A345 continue to cause disruption.

At the start of August, temporary traffic lights were put up on the A345 near the entrance to Longhedge.

Councillor Kevin Lynn, at Laverstock and Ford Parish Council, 69, said: “The main issue is that the traffic lights were erected on August 6 at 4pm but there’s been no work since they have been put up.

“I’ve contacted Wiltshire Council highways on the August 11 and 12 to ask what’s going on. They called back saying that BT was being liaised with to make sure the work was carried out as quickly as possible. Two weeks further on from that, still no one’s been there to do the work.”

Cllr Kevin Lynn says it's taking the mickeyCllr Kevin Lynn says it's taking the mickey (Image: Newsquest)

The traffic is often backed up, causing issues for commuters between Amesbury and Salisbury.

Kevin added: “It’s taking the mickey because what happens if things are still going on when the children go back to school?”

Wiltshire Council has said that the lights have been set up while a broken manhole cover is repaired by Openreach.

Cabinet member for highways cllr Nick Holder said, “We are currently liaising with Openreach who have erected temporary traffic lights to safely manage the traffic around a broken manhole cover on the A345 at Longhedge, near Salisbury.

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“We are aware that Openreach have had a resourcing issue with carrying out the repair required and we are pressing them to find a resolution to this. We are sorry for the inconvenience that these temporary traffic lights are causing and hope that the repairs will be carried out as soon as possible.”

Residents say that they were not informed of the works, and they only found out about them from leaving the estate themselves.

Steve Birch, a resident who lives near the road, said: “We’ve got pollution from the cars that stop there. We can taste the diesel going in.

“This road is on overload. It’s a diversion route, so we’ve got more traffic than usual.”

Resident Stuart Brown, 43, said: “It’s been 16 days and they’ve not done anything. As time goes on, we’re getting closer to the school holidays – if they don’t get it resolved in 10 days, it will be carnage.

Stuart Brown stood by the traffic on the A345Stuart Brown stood by the traffic on the A345 (Image: Newsquest)

“There’s an opportunity to get something done, but it takes someone between those organisations to pull their fingers out and get something done. It’s the artery between Salisbury and Amesbury.

“At least let residents know, rather than just set something up and leave it for two weeks. It’s just massively frustrating.”

Openreach has been contacted for comment.