A CAKE decorator has entered a national competition showcasing her bouquets of edible flowers.

Sophia Owens, owner of Sophia's Cakes, has entered this year's Buttercream Bloom Awards.

Having been in the decorating business since 2015, Mrs Owens has created four flower bouquets out of buttercream to enter into the four categories: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Despite breaking her finger some years ago and facing the consequences of being left-handed in a right-handed world, her cakes never manage to disappoint.

Sophia OwensSophia Owens (Image: Sophia Owens)

Mrs Owens, from Larkhill, said that cake decorating is "therapeutic" and people’s reactions to the cakes are the favourite part of her job.

The hardest part of her job is her medium, using temperature-sensitive buttercream to create her beautiful flower arrangements.

Developing her style in response to seeing examples of it online, she has perfected her technique using personal experience and client feedback.

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Mrs Owens said she prefers to decorate the flowers spontaneously, fuelled by client’s inspiration photos and her own professional experience.

She runs her business as a self-taught cake decorator whilst also caring for three children when her military husband is away for work.  

To vote for Mrs Owens and help her in her quest to win the contest, visit taylormadecakecourses.com/buttercream-bloom-awards.