A BUSINESS that dumped waste on the side of the A303 has been slapped with three fines.

Several bin bags full of rubbish were found in a westbound layby near Chicklade Bottom earlier this year.

Wiltshire Council's environmental enforcement officers traced the fly-tipped waste to a business based in Southampton which admitted to the offence.

Additionally, the business was unable to produce a waste carriers licence and had no waste transfer notes which would show how it was lawfully disposing of its waste.

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The business was issued three fixed penalty notices (FPN) totalling £1.6k. This included a £1k fly-tipping fine, £300 for not having a waste carriers licence and £300 for failing to produce waste transfer documents.

Wiltshire Council refused to name the business as it was not convicted in court.

Bin bags full of rubbish were dumped in a layby on the A303.Bin bags full of rubbish were dumped in a layby on the A303. (Image: Wiltshire Council)

Councillor Nick Holder, Wiltshire's cabinet member for highways and street scene, said: “These fines highlight our continued efforts to tackling fly-tipping here in Wiltshire and we’re determined to further reduce this environmental crime.

“Our Business Plan objectives outline our zero-tolerance approach, and we will continue to spread this clear message that if you fly-tip you will be caught and prosecuted."

Cllr Holder urged people and businesses to responsibly dispose of their waste and warned that the council will take action if they don't.