THE latest set of plans to redevelop Old Sarum Airfield are set to be refused by Wiltshire Council.

It is the latest in an ongoing planning saga surrounding the airfield over many years.

The most recent application is for approximately 315 homes, with a "mixture of employment, commercial/leisure and aviation uses", including a control tower, heritage centre, visitor centre, café/restaurant, parachute centre, aviation archives and aircraft hangars.

The director of the airfield, Mr Grenville Hodge, told the Journal in October last year that he was "absolutely" satisfied that the latest application is more acceptable to the authorities and to the existing community based on the changes they have made.

Grenville HodgeGrenville Hodge (Image: Contributed)

A previous application submitted in 2015 - and the subsequent appeal in 2018/19 - were both refused.

After an inquiry, an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government refused planning permission, stating "the proposed development would represent an erosion of the open character and appearance of the Airfield Conservation Area, the setting of the listed hangars and that of the Old Sarum [Scheduled Ancient Monument".

The latest plans are also being recommended to be refused by Wiltshire Council's planning officers

The report from the planning officer states: "The proposal would have an unacceptable impact on highway safety, and the residual cumulative impacts on the road network would be severe."

It also states that the scheme as proposed would have a "significant visual impact", and that officers consider the appeal decision remains valid, in that the resultant erosion of the open character and appearance of the Airfield Conservation Area and the setting of the Old Sarum Scheduled Ancient Monument, the listed hangars, and other associated buildings, whilst contributing “less than substantial harm” would not preserve the setting of the listed buildings or the Scheduled Monument, and would not preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Airfield Conservation Area.

Old Sarum Airfield Old Sarum Airfield (Image: Newsquest)

It concludes: "This would still result in a significant amount of harm to heritage assets."

The council's strategic planning committee will meet in Trowbridge on August 14 at 10.30am.

To view the planning officer's report or the plans in full, go to