Next up at the Vanner Gallery in Salisbury is the gallery’s summer show for 2024: the mixtape

Featuring 24 artists, it will offer visitors a wide selection of disciplines, from painting and printmaking to ceramics, sculpture and photography.

The list of exhibiting artists brings together nationally and internationally renowned names such as Phoebe Cummings, Stewart Geddes and Mimi Joung with exciting graduates who have shown previously in the gallery’s annual graduate show.

Gallery director David Christie said, “Our summer show in 2023 was really popular and we are putting together another exciting group of artists this year. We think it’s a great mix of new and established names and hope that visitors will enjoy seeing such a wide selection of work in the city.

The Vanner Gallery is a contemporary art gallery in Salisbury which opened in September 2021 at 45 High Street. 

It is open from 10am to 5pm, Tuesday to Saturday.

The exhibition opens on Friday, August 16 and runs until Saturday, September 14.