Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all users:

  • Footpath 9 (Part), Salisbury; from its junction with Footpath 10, Salisbury to its junction with Coldharbour Lane.
  • Footpath 9 (Part), Salisbury; from a point approximately 95m north of its junction with Coldharbour Lane for a distance of approximately 235m in a north easterly direction.
  • Footpath 10 (Part), Salisbury; from its junction with Footpath 9, Salisbury for a distance of approximately 170m in an easterly direction to enable Salisbury River Park construction phase.

Alternative route via existing highways and rights of way. The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs.

This closure which follows an emergency notice will come into operation on July 27 and the closure will be required until December 31.

Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works.

The Order will have a maximum duration of six months.

For further information regarding these works contact Mike Barron on 07740 394629, Carys Ford, Countryside Access Officer on 07557 822363 or Wiltshire Council (out of hours) on 0300 456 0100.