A SCHOOL where ‘pupils flourish’ and staff have the ‘highest aspiration for every pupil’ is celebrating receiving an ‘outstanding’ Ofsted rating.

Zouch Academy, in Wavell Road, Tidworth, which was visited by the education watchdog on June 4 and 5, has been rated ‘outstanding’ in each inspection category including quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, and leadership and management.

The school, which is part of The White Horse Federation, was previously rated ‘good’.

A report published on July 8 said: “The school’s values shine through the daily interactions between pupils and adults. Parents are unwavering in their support for the school. They appreciate the care and help the school provides.”

Staff and pupils at Zouch Academy celebrate the 'outstanding' Ofsted rating (Image: Zouch Academy)

Ofsted noted that children in the school’s nursery ‘receive an excellent start to their education’, adding: “Adults have high expectations of all children and they respond exceptionally well to these. Children understand and follow the daily routines well. The culture of positive behaviour permeates the school.”

The school, which has a number of pupils from the military families, helps youngsters “quickly adopt [to] the school’s high expectations and settle extremely well” as many join mid-year.

It continued: “The pastoral support the school provides for pupils and their families is exceptional. The school builds positive relationships with pupils and families as a matter of priority when they join. This supports them to feel part of the school family.”

Inspectors said that the proportion of pupils with special educational needs and or/disabilities (SEND) is high, continuing: “Effective systems for identification mean these pupils receive the additional support they need. As a result, pupils with SEND progress exceptionally well through the curriculum from their starting points.”

Headteacher Nina Johnson, who has been in the role for seven years, said: "At Zouch Academy, we believe that every child deserves the best possible start in life and it doesn’t matter when our children join, or how long they stay at Zouch for, we will always do our very best for the children.

“We are proud to serve our military community and to provide an outstanding education that meets the unique needs of our children and their families.”

Ms Johnson continued: “Our school values are the most important thing to all of the children and staff at Zouch. They are our golden thread which permeates through our curriculum offer and in every aspect of school life. I would like to thank our amazing children, staff, parents governors and The White Horse Federation for their support whilst on this amazing journey of success.

“We are all extremely proud of the outstanding outcome and the daily offer we provide for our children."