Support for the team planning a new community shop and post office in Pitton has been provided by Salisbury MP John Glen.

Mr Glen visited Pitton Village Hall to express his support for the project.

Once the current shop and post office close in 2026, residents of Pitton are at risk of losing an important resource unless replacements are built.

Mr Glen said: “I have always been an ardent supporter of community businesses.

"Their positive impact on rural communities is well-evidenced in terms of improving the local economy, reducing social isolation and providing opportunities for young and old alike."

Brian Cudby, chair of the community benefit society, said: "Pitton community shop and post office will serve the village and local community as well as passing trade.

"It will stock local produce wherever possible, giving local farmers and other suppliers an outlet for their produce.

"Many local people rely on the shop for everything from groceries to prescription collection to banking."

Van Gore, chair of the Village Hall Committee, said: "The Village Hall is delighted to have the opportunity to help facilitate an exciting community shop development in Pitton."

Construction next to the Village Hall has already commenced, with funding underway to add to the £40,000 already raised.