A bench that was stolen from Castle Hill Country Park has been found - but not in the condition it was left in.

The bench, donated by Bishopdown Mask Makers in August 2020, was placed in Castle Hill Country Park, with a plaque which reads: “Donated by Bishopdown Mask Makers in 2020 to celebrate how our community came together during the COVID-19 pandemic”.

READ MORE: Bench placed by maskmakers during COVID-19 pandemic stolen

On Monday, July 15 2024, the team of Covid maskmakers from Salisbury were shocked to discover that a bench they had placed had been stolen.

They had funded the bench with money donated towards masks they made for the community during the pandemic.

On Wednesday, July 24, the bench was discovered just a few hundred feet away from where it had originally been positioned.

The bench was found brokenThe bench was found broken (Image: Eleanor Evans)

Unfortunately, the bench has been damaged, but with the plaque remaining and help from the council, the team are hoping that they will be able to repair it and secure it to prevent it happening again.

Maskmaker Eleanor said: “It’s good and bad – at least we know where it is. It’s still bad that somebody thought it was fine to take it.

"It’s still hard to understand why people would have done that in the first place but we’re relieved to have found it. That’s something."