A primary school in Tilshead is celebrating a positive report from a recent inspection by the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist School (SIAMS).

St Thomas a Becket Primary School educates 43 pupils, and received its SIAMS report after an inspection on July 4.

SIAMS inspections focus on Church school's Christian vision on pupils and adults by looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish.

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(Image: St Thomas a Becket Primary School)

Headteacher Nicki Boast said: "I am incredibly proud of our school community for the wonderful SIAMS report we have received. This achievement is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and commitment of our staff, governors, pupils, and families.

"Together, we will continue to nurture a compassionate, inspiring, and inclusive environment for all our pupils, and will continue to give them roots to grow and wings to fly!"

The school was commended for their collective worships which "enable pupils to flourish spiritually." Pupils are said to be "highly engaged" in the prayerful atmosphere.

Both staff and pupils are said to be given "every opportunity to flourish".

The report added that "relationships within this small school are exceptionally strong" and complimented the school's high attendance and focus on inclusivity.