A seven year old from Sarum St Pauls CofE Primary School is collecting donations for impoverished children in Kenya.

Moses Cullen-Rogers, a pupil from Sarum St Pauls CofE Primary School, has been collecting unused pens, pencils, crayons, colouring, books, stickers and yoyos for children living in slums in Nanyuki.

During a visit to his grandpa in Kenya, Moses was exposed to the harsh realities of poverty, and visited the Red Cross in Nanyuki to learn about their work.

He also spent time at a nursery school, set up by a woman called Sheila, to educate children living in the slums.

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In his appeal to fellow pupils, Moses described: "The nursery is a tiny tin shed with a concrete floor and hardly any resources but for these children who have nothing, it is a beacon of hope.

"They have to walk miles for water, rarely eat a meal and many have no homes. Those that do don't have beds to sleep in or shoes to wear. Sheila ensures they all receive a uniform and the Red Cross gives every child a pair of shoes.

"They are also given a meal. This will be their only meal that day but is far more than they would otherwise have."

Pictured: Moses Cullen-Rogers Pictured: Moses Cullen-Rogers (Image: Sarum St Pauls CofE Primary School)

Sheila told Moses that crayons and paper were the items they needed most, so alongside the school, Moses organised a drive where pupils could donate one item from the list, in exchange for a non-uniform day.

His appeal to the school added: "Despite their hardships, they are the happiest and friendliest people I have ever met. They greeted me with such joy and made me feel so welcome."

On Friday, July 19, the school gathered a huge amount of pens, pencils, notepads and toys for Moses' collection, during a successful non-uniform day.

Moses will take the items to the nursery in Kenya over the summer holidays.

A spokesperson from his school said: "We are so proud of him for organising this event, he was deeply moved by his visit to the nursery and was inspired to take action. The donations will hugely benefit so many children in the nursery."