A thug launched a campaign of "dreadful behaviour" against his partner, throwing hot coffee over her and threatening to firebomb her house. 

Micky Yeatman threatened to make his girlfriend "homeless, carless and jobless" during a campaign of abuse earlier this year, Southampton Crown Court heard.

His victim was left not being able to sleep and describing herself as a different person compared with before the abuse.

The 29-year-old on one occasion threw hot coffee over his partner, scolding her, before splashing it onto the walls. 

During another incident, he threatened to firebomb her property, sending her messages including "BRB, going to burn [possessions] quickly" and "I am doing your car and house first".

Prosecutor, Keely Harvey said the pair had a relationship that was "on and off in nature" but his partner, who lived in Fordingbridge, had decided it "had to come to an end".

READ MORE: Southampton thug who strangled partner had 'eyes red with hatred'

When eventually his partner phoned the police to report the abuse, she said he would follow her on multiple occasions, at one point threatening to stab her and her friend. 

On another day, she said she was going to the pub, prompting him to say he would turn up and "machete everyone that was in there".

He would also call her names, accuse her of being with other people and threaten to damage her home. 

Ms Harvey added: "She described being petrified of him.

"It has severely impacted on her mental health and she describes being like a shell of her former self."

In a statement read out in court, she said: "I am a complete bag of nerves. I have regular panic attacks.

"I am just not the same person that I was before this happened. I don’t sleep and have been prescribed sleeping tablets."

Southampton Crown CourtSouthampton Crown Court

Yeatman pleaded guilty to one count of stalking involving fear of violence, two counts of damaging property and two counts of common assault. 

The offences occurred between February and May of this year.

Speaking at his sentencing hearing on Monday, Judge Nicholas Rowland said this was a "catalogue of dreadful behaviour towards your partner. 

"Someone you should have been looking after," he said.

But Daniel Sawyer, mitigating said his client "entirely accepts responsibility" adding that he has mental health difficulties as well as problems with alcohol and drugs. 

"He has been addressing his addictions through the in-cell packs. He has since become clean and believes that he can remain clean in the community.

Yeatman, of Keeble Crescent, Bournemouth was jailed for 30 months. 

He was made subject to a restraining order for the next five years.